Carded Star Wars Figs On Display

I just finished up preparing a part of a wall in my bedroom to display my carded Star Wars figures. I put hooks into the wall near the ceiling and hung those plastic product-strips with the hooks on them that you see in stores (I swiped a bunch from Walmart — new product comes pre-packaged on them, so I figured I’d grab some instead of having it take up space in a landfill).

Carded Star Wars Figures on display

I still need some more plastic strips, though. I have about a dozen more carded figures to put up there.

BTW, that’s a mini-Ark-of-the-Covenant sitting atop my LCD monitor.  I got that along with an Indiana Jones figure not too long ago.

Oh Fortuitous Happenstance!

LOL! Regarding yesterday’s post about having to buy two-packs in order to get certain Star Wars action figures, I went to the same chain of stores after work and saw that those items were 50% off now. Fortunately I had saved my receipt and was able to get half the money back that I originally paid for the Order 66 2-packs. Sweet!